5 Must-Try Bourbon Cocktails to Elevate Your Holiday Celebrations

1. Old Fashioned

bourbon cocktail Old Fashioned holiday celebration

The Old Fashioned is a cocktail that has stood the test of time, not just surviving but thriving through the Prohibition era and into the hearts of bourbon lovers everywhere. This drink is a perfect blend of sweetness, bitters, and bourbon that can make any holiday celebration feel a bit more sophisticated. To make an Old Fashioned, you'll need a sugar cube, bitters, water, ice, bourbon, and a twist of orange peel for garnish.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to crafting this timeless cocktail:

  1. Place the sugar cube in a glass.
  2. Saturate with bitters and a splash of water.
  3. Muddle these ingredients until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  5. Pour in the bourbon.
  6. Stir well.
  7. Garnish with an orange peel twist.

Enjoy your Old Fashioned and watch it elevate your holiday celebrations!

2. Mint Julep

holiday celebration bourbon cocktail with mint julep

The Mint Julep is not just a drink, it's a southern tradition. Wrapped in frosty silver cups, this cocktail is as refreshing as a gentle breeze on a hot summer day. The key to a perfect Mint Julep lies in its simplicity: fresh mint, crushed ice, sugar, and a good splash of bourbon.

Here’s how you can make your own:

  1. Muddle a few mint leaves with sugar in the bottom of a cup.
  2. Fill the cup with crushed ice.
  3. Pour over the bourbon.
  4. Stir until the cup feels frosty.
  5. Garnish with more mint.
Remember, the Mint Julep is best enjoyed slowly, savoring each sip as the ice melts, subtly diluting the mixture and enhancing the flavors.

3. Manhattan

bourbon Manhattan cocktail holiday celebration

The Manhattan is a testament to the beauty of simplicity in cocktail crafting. Explore the history and art of this iconic drink, which traditionally combines whiskey, vermouth, and bitters. The classic recipe is a gateway to a world of variations, each adding a personalized touch to the revered base. Experimenting with different types of whiskey or vermouth can transform the flavor profile dramatically, making each Manhattan a unique experience.

The perfect Manhattan is all about balance. The key is to mix the ingredients to complement, not overpower each other.

For those looking to perfect their Manhattan, here's a simple guide:

  1. Chill your glass beforehand.
  2. Stir the ingredients with ice until well chilled.
  3. Strain into the chilled glass.
  4. Garnish with a cherry or a twist of orange peel for that extra flair.

4. Whiskey Sour

holiday celebration bourbon whiskey sour cocktail party

The Whiskey Sour is a classic cocktail that perfectly balances the boldness of bourbon with the zesty brightness of lemon juice and the subtle sweetness of simple syrup. This drink is not just a cocktail; it's a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate, making it a favorite during the holiday season and beyond. Prepare to pucker up, because this cocktail packs a punch with its delightful combination of sour and sweet.

To make a Whiskey Sour, you'll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 oz bourbon
  • 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • Ice
  • Cherry and/or lemon slice for garnish

Shake the bourbon, lemon juice, and simple syrup with ice vigorously. Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a cherry or a lemon slice. It's as simple as that! Enjoy the refreshing taste that has stood the test of time.

5. Boulevardier

holiday celebration bourbon cocktail Boulevardier

If you're looking to add a splash of sophistication to your holiday celebrations, the Boulevardier is your go-to cocktail. This charming concoction is a delightful blend of bourbon, sweet vermouth, and Campari, making it a cousin to the more widely known Negroni, but with a whiskey twist that bourbon lovers will appreciate. The key to a perfect Boulevardier is the balance between the robust flavor of bourbon and the bitter-sweet interplay of Campari and vermouth.

To whip up this classy cocktail, you'll need:

  • 40ml (1 & 1/3oz) bourbon
  • 20ml (2/3oz) sweet vermouth
  • 20ml (2/3oz) Campari
  • Orange twist to garnish
  • Good ice

Stir all ingredients over ice until well-chilled, then strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a twist of orange. It's as simple as that! This cocktail not only tastes great but also looks incredibly stylish in a glass. So, why not impress your guests with a Boulevardier at your next holiday gathering?

Dive into the world of exquisite spirits with our 'Boulevardier' section at PourMore. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer, our monthly subscriptions like the Bourbon-of-the-Month or the Whiskey-of-the-Month offer a delightful journey through unique flavors and rare finds. Don't miss out on our June delivery - spots are filling up fast! Visit our website to choose your subscription and start your tasting adventure today.